A cab ride, the farmer's market, a big grassy park, and another EPIC walk back home made Saturday a fun and exhausting day for both me and Mikey! Mikey
tolerated the cab ride to the park very well. The crowded farmers
market was a little rough for him, especially
since there were lots of people walking in all different directions.
But I kept him on a short leash and we made it through okay.
He did
enjoy the pig skin dog treats from the pork vendor.
Smiling dog, gruff farmers. |
They cut the pig skin into tiny pieces and Mikey politely sat for each
different people asked me what kind of dog he was and commented on how
well- behaved he was. People almost always ask me “A shiba inu? But
aren’t they brown?” I explain
most shiba inus are brown but there are also black ones and white ones.
(Technically “brown” and “white” aren’t the correct terms. But I’m
pretty sure they’re not looking for that much detail, so I don’t say
“red” or “cream”. And I leave out the sesame
ones entirely!)
Also on Saturday, one woman asked “A shiba inu? But
don’t their tails sort of curl up?” I explained most do but some shiba
tails are curved and other shiba tails, like Mikey’s, are just straight.
I like Mikey’s straight tail. It’s so fluffy
that it looks like a fox’s tail!
Hey there, foxy tail. |
we went into the park! The weather was sunny but chilly so the park
wasn’t very crowded. Mikey got to walk on grass, play on tree stumps,
and see gorgeous blooming cherry
There’s a dog beach at this park, but we skipped it because
dogs can only swim there between 9 pm and 9 am. (Also I forgot a
towel. And I forgot where the dog beach was.)
alternated walking at a normal pace with slow ambling. I tried to
explain to Mikey that people walk fast in New York City, and he doesn’t
live in New Jersey anymore. He’s a New Yorker now! He seemed to accept this. There were many
other dogs, but they left Mikey alone and vice versa. We hiked through
some forested areas. I think he enjoyed the different terrain.
did sit over and over.
Sit. |
Sit. |
Sit. (Maybe it's time to teach him a new trick?) |
He earned many tiny
pieces of apple for all those good sits. Maybe too many-- he got a little sick from all the
treats and excitement! Good thing I had an extra moses bag so I could
pick up his mess. Poor Mikey. We took it easy after that. (Which reminds me: at the park, he did robert but no moses.)
Then, when we tried to get home, we couldn't find a cab. We had to walk the whole way home! It was all downhill, though. Mikey REALLY likes walking downhill. Sometimes he'll even break into a run when going downhill! So it wasn't a problem.
And naturally Mikey wasn't tired at all once we got home. Where does he get all the energy? We went out to see friends in the evening. Then when we got home after 10:30 pm, we walked Mikey. He's gotten so good about robert and moses. He almost never has an accident! And he's been happily sleeping outside the crate. What a good dog.